Platform 5: This week’s most important social media changes (edition 40)

This week’s most important social media changes
We look at what’s changed in the last seven days
Welcome to this week’s Platform 5 – your weekly wrap of the top five changes in the content marketing and social media space – with a focus on Instagram multiple account logins
This week, it’s finally begun – Instagram have started testing multiple account logins so advertisers no longer have to log in and out of separate accounts. Snapchat have thought of a clever way to work with their publishers’ audiences to get them to the platform without logging in, and LinkedIn launched a new mobile app.
1. Tests began for Instagram multiple account logins
Instagram have begun testing multiple account logins for Android users. The feature allows users to toggle between accounts to post and interact on their behalf. The feature is only available to Android users who opted into Instagrams’ beta testing program and is not yet available on iOS.
Read more about Instagram testing multiple account logins.
2. Snapchat allows publishers to link externally to Discover channels
Snapchat has introduced a feature for their publishing partners to link to their Discover channels on Facebook and Twitter. Publishers including Buzzfeed, Vice and CNN are able to promote their Snapchat content by linking directly to their Snapchat channel from anywhere outside the app. Links will appear as QR codes on a desktop which can be liked and commented on, and will encourage new ways of getting people to Snapchat without opening the app.
Read more about Snapchat allowing publishers to externally link to Discover channels.
3. LinkedIn launches new app
LinkedIn have launched a newly designed mobile app for all users. The app, built from scratch, is segregated into five areas: Your Feed (content from your network), Me (your professional brand), My Network (daily briefing on what’s happening in your network), Messaging (real-time instant messaging), and Search (find people, jobs and groups).
Read more about LinkedIn’s new app.
4. Facebook expands Custom Audience matching options
Facebook has introduced real-time data types to their Custom Audience tool for Facebook Marketing Partners and advertisers using the Ads API. Matching capabilities have now expanded to include emails, phone numbers, first and last names, genders, cities, post codes, date of birth, and mobile advertiser IDs. “By expanding the Custom Audience matching capabilities, marketers will see increased match rate (coverage) while maintaining the 1:1 match accuracy. Any data used for matching will still be hashed and all hashes will be deleted after the matching process,” Facebook explained.
Read more about Facebook expanding custom audience matching options.
5. Facebook expands live streaming
Facebook have begun expanding their live streaming feature in their Mentions app, which works similar to Meerkat and Periscope. The feature called Live was originally only available to users with verified Facebook accounts, but is now being rolled out to regualr US users on iOS. The feature allows broadcasters to preface their video with a description of what they will be screening, and view who is watching. Viewers are able to comment on real-time streams.
Read more about Facebook expanding live streaming.
Head over to our Thinking section for more important social media changes.