Platform 5: This week’s most important social media changes (edition 50)

This week’s 5 most important social media changes
What’s changed in the last seven days? What does it mean?
Instagram and Twitter have released new timeline algorithms, Facebook to alert users of impersonating accounts, Bing Ads is now testing social extensions and Photos will create the perfect holiday album with machine learning.
Let’s take a look at these changes in more detail.
Instagram’s new algorithm to operate more like Facebook’s
Instagram is planning to begin testing an algorithm-based personalised feed for all users, similar to that of Facebook. This means it will be shifting away from the strictly reverse chronological order. Instagram will place photos and videos it thinks you will most want to see from people you follow toward the top of your feed, regardless of the time those posts were originally shared.
Find out more about Instagram’s new timeline algorithm here.
Twitter’s algorithmic timeline is now live by default for everyone
Twitter has recently turned on their new algorithmic timeline structure—arranging posts by relevancy rather than chronology—for all users by default. Twitter updated its FAQ last week to include details noting that the new timeline is active. So far the reception has been mixed within the Twittersphere although users can choose to opt out of these settings by switching off Timeline Personalisation.
Learn more about Twitter’s timeline changes here.
Facebook to alerts users if someone is impersonating an account
Facebook is testing a new feature that will automatically alert you if it detects someone impersonating your account by using your name and profile photo. When a suspected impersonation is detected, Facebook will send an alert notifying you about the profile in question. You’ll then be prompted to identify if the profile is impersonating you by supplying your personal information, or if it belongs to someone else who is not impersonating you. This feature should work further towards Facebook’s stance against harassment on their platform.
Learn more about Facebook alerts for impersonated accounts here.
Bing Ads testing Social Extensions: Link search ads to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr
Bing Ads is testing Social Extensions to help businesses promote platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr in search ads. Social Extensions appear under the ad copy of text ads and can be used to link directly to advertisers’ accounts. The network icons appear next to each link, which can include a hashtag. Users will be able to click on any of the links and go to the advertiser’s profile on the respective network. For brands and businesses that are active on social, this may prove to be an interesting way to try to direct users to those channels.
Lean more about Bing Ads Social Extensions here.
Google Photos now auto-creates albums filled with your best holiday snaps
Photos can now comb through the hundreds of images taken on a holiday and select the best ones to auto-create albums. The software uses machine learning to detect elements that are often associated with good photos and can also delete duplicates. Often it will identify photos that have famous landmarks in them as the best ones, putting those in an album, rather than random photos that aren’t associated with other shots taken during a holiday. It’s being rolled out to Android, iOS, and Web versions of Google Photos.
Learn more about Photos updates here.
Follow us on Twitter for news of these social media and content marketing changes as they happen.
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About Kamber
Kamber is a digital agency that specialists in content marketing, video production and social media. We plan, produce, publish and promote content that people crave.
Our teams are based in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.
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Tel (Melbourne): +61 3 8643 7906
Tel (Sydney): +61 2 9256 9718
Managing Partner: Adam Vincenzini
Email: adam[at]kamber[dot]com[dot]au